बहुत आसानी से सिखे English Grammar.7th Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense -

पहचान - हिंदी के वाक्यों के अंत में यदि चुका था , चुके थे , चुकी थी आदि आता है तो उसे,Past perfect tense कहते हैं ।                                            

इस Tense में हम verb 3rd form तथा had का प्रयोग करते हैं ।

eg- वह पढ़ चुका था ।

He had read.

वे खेल चुके थे ।

They had played.

इस Tense में हम  Had Helping Verb का प्रयोग करते हैं ।

का प्रयोग हम He,She,It या एकवचन  (Singular) तथा 

बहुवचन  ( Prural ) I,We,You,They या दो या दो से अधिक 

व्यक्तियों,वस्तुओं दोनों के लिए हम Had का प्रयोग करते हैं ।        

Affirmative sentence :- Subject + Haf + Verb 3rd form + Object.

For Example- वह दिल्ली जा चुका था ।

He had gone Delhi.

हम स्कूल जा चुके थे ।

We had gone to school.

Negative sentence :-Subject + Had + Not + Verb 3rd form + Object.

For Example- वह नहीं खेल चुका था ।

He had not played.

हम नहीं पढ चुके थे ।

We had not read.

Negative sentence में हम Helping verb Had  के बाद Not का use करते हैं ।

Interrogative sentence :- Had + Subject + Verb 3rd form + Object ?

For Example:- क्या हम स्कूल जा चुके थे ?

Had we gone to school ?

Interrogative sentence में हम Helping verb Had आगे आ जाती हैं ।

 Interrogative cum Negative:- Had + Subject + Not + Verb 3rd form + Object ?

For Example:- क्या वह नहीं पढ़ चुका था ?

Had he not read ?

इस  sentence में subject के बाद not का प्रयोग होता है । बाकी सब interrogative sentence की तरह होता है ।


1. वे फिल्म देखने जा चुके थे ।

They had gone to see movie.

2. वह पढ़ नहीं चुका था ।

 He had not read.

3. क्या वह काम कर चुकी थी ?

Had she worked ?

4.क्या वे खेलने नहीं जा चुके थे ?

Had they not gone to play ?

5 वह जा चुका था ।

He had gone.

6.हम खेल चुके थे ।

They had played.

7.क्या वे पढ़ चुके थे ? 

Had they read.

8.वे घर जा चुके थे ।

They had gone home.

9.वह नहीं रो चकी थी ।

He had not weeping.

10. क्या हम स्कूल जा चुके थे ?

Had we gone to school ?

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